2009年9月21日 星期一

台灣42萬雙失青年 不讀書不工作 「尼特族」較港多近20倍 明報專訊 2009/09/22


「尼特族」(Not in Education, Employment or Training,簡稱NEET)一詞最早使用於英國,指16歲至18歲終日無所事事的年輕族群,類似美國所講的「歸巢族」,大陸說的「啃老族」。









2009年9月16日 星期三

蔡子強﹕替天行道的虛妄 明報專訊-2009/09/17








以暴力或恫嚇 建立美好新世界


梁文道與長平(國內最具影響力的其中一位時事評論員)對談時,提到以前要冒的風險就是得罪官方,現在則多了一層,那是來自民間。長平說自己並不怕爭論,但現時網民是會在網上發帖子,號召大家攻擊你的家人,還附上地址,甚至帶上什麼工具等。這些就是我們常常提到的「憤青」。不要盲目相信「people's power」,它有時可以變成一種很情緒化、甚至面目猙獰的民粹主義,例如把忠言逆耳者,罵作漢奸。











End cannot justify means



不能因為結果,而合理化任何手段,「End cannot justify means」,這本來就是政治哲學的一大教訓。

作者是中文大學政治與行政學系 高級導師

2009年9月12日 星期六

Massive Attack - False Flag (with the best interpretation I ever read)


In city shoes
Of clueless blues
Pays the views
And no-mans news
Blades will fade from blood to sport
The heroin's cut these fuses short
Smokers rode a colonial pig
Drink and frame this pain i think
I'm melting silver poles my dear
You bleed your wings and then disappear
The moving scenes and pilot lights
Smithereens have got 'em scaling heights
Modern times come talk me down
And battle lines are drawn across this town
Parisian boys without your names
Ghetto stones instead of chains
Talk 'em down cause it's up in flames
And nothing's changed
Parisian boys without your names
Riot like 1968 again
The days of rage yeah nothing's changed
more pretty flames
In school i would just bite my tongue
And now your words they strike me dumb
The flags are false and they contradict
They point and click which wounds to lick
On avenues this christian breeze
Turns its heart to more needles please
Our eyes roll back and we beg for more
It frays this skin and then underscore
The case for war you spin and bleed
The cells you fill screensavers feed
The girls you breed the soaps that you write
The graceless charm of your gutter snipes
The moving scenes and suburbanites
And smithereens got 'em scaling heights
Modern times come talk me down
The battle lines are drawn across this town
English boys without your names
Ghetto stones instead of chains
Hearts and minds and u.s. Planes
Nothing's changed
And english boys without your names
Riot like the 1980's again
The days of rage yeah nothing's changed
More pretty flames

Interpretation, by Matt2971

False Flags"

'False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy's strategy of tension.'

(See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flags)

The song is obviously anti Iraq war, and bites into the whole corrupt economic and social system that underpins such a war. This is perhaps unsurprising since:

'[Robert] Del Naja is - perhaps notoriously - open in his views, and has no qualms about criticising government policy. He was strongly opposed to the 2003 war against Iraq, and with fellow musician Damon Albarn personally paid for full page adverts in the NME magazine.'

(See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Del_Naja)

It's hardly surprising then that in a media system controlled by the system, �False Flags� hardly saw the light of day.

"In city shoes
Of clueless blues"

Reference to the ubiquitous uniform of city businessmen and women the world over. A rererence to the core of the corrupt economic system.

"Pays the views
And no-mans news"

Reference to the corporate ownership of the media. In effect the media is payed - through advertising - to dispense standard "views" as directed by the system. This is interspersed with �no-mans news�: pointless stories about celebrities and such to comatose the masses.

"Blades will fade from blood to sport
The heroin's cut these fuses short"

Possible reference to the thinking masses being comatosed themselves by drugs. "Blades will fade" and "blood" referencing cocaine (which is cut with blades) and heroin (injected into the blood stream - �spore� would be more effective than �sport�). The cutting short of fuses suggests that the youth's reliance on drugs prevent the action of dissent that is needed and called for in the song.

"Smokers rode a colonial pig
Drink and frame this pain i think"

And even those not going the whole hog with drugs are comatosed from the pain of modern life by using dope and drink.

"I'm melting silver poles my dear
You bleed your wings and then disappear"

Another heroin reference.

"The moving scenes and pilot lights
Smithereens have got 'em scaling heights"

The "pilot lights" could be a reference to crack, which is often home-made by heating a solution in spoon above a cooking ring, rendering the �scaling heights� part of the line obvious. However, there's a second possible meaning of the line (which could be double) where �smitherines� references the TV images of the US bombing of Baghdad, and certain sick people getting excited by them.

(See http://dictionary.reference.com/search?r=2&q=smithereens)

"Modern times come talk me down"

The �modern times� of the unwise masses living lives as prescribed by a system that has brainwashed them, and the wise being similarly eliminated by their own escapist drug habits, literally �talk down�, or shout louder than those actually trying to say something like Del Naja.

"And battle lines are drawn across this town"

Battle lines of opinion are drawn everywhere between the wise who percieve the corruption of the system, and the unwise and brainwashed who do not, or are evil enough to ignore it.

"Parisian boys without your names"

'Without your names' may refer to anonymous identities on the internet, the only partly free media left, and the great hope for organising any change.

"Ghetto stones instead of chains"

Not sure about this. �ghetto stones� could be a crypic reference to computer mice � a modern day tool of dissent, or it could be more literal. The ghettos having the same chaining effect of imprisonment of the masses.

"Talk 'em down cause it's up in flames
And nothing's changed"

Nothing has changed wince the last uprisings of the people, like the anti-Vietnam war movement in the 60s.

"Riot like 1968 again"

There were 'a series of protests and a general strike that caused the eventual collapse of the De Gaulle government in France.' (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_1968).

"In school i would just bite my tongue
And now your words they strike me down
The flags are false and they contradict"

See the title piece above. Del Naja possibly heard the phrase from a teacher at school.

"They point and click which wounds to lick"

Possible reference to the 'wound' inflicted by the media after their wrongful accusations against him:

'In 2003 there was controversy surrounding allegations of indecent material when the police arrested Del Naja on suspicion of downloading child pornography. The investigation was later terminated and no charges were brought. An expert witness from the case wrote in April 2007 about the sloppy police work leading to the investigation.'

(See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Del_Naja)

"On avenues this Christian breeze
Turns its heart to more needles please
Our eyes roll back and we beg for more
It frays this skin"

Reference to religion - which is no better than the system (In fact it's just the superseded previous system) � having the same effect to just turning the youth onto drugs as an escapism.

"and then underscore"

Another possible internet reference. The underscore character used in many screen names.

"The case for war you spin and bleed"

Reference to the false �case for war� (Iraqi WMDs etc) that was made in the West by the system.

Note the use of "you" and "your" throughout this section. This refers to the system itself.

"The cells you fill"

Reference to Guantanamo Bay, and also possibly the general false imprisonment of people for non-offences. Like drug offences.

"screensavers feed"

A possible reference to attempts to sterilize the Internet.

"The girls you breed"

Reference to the idiotic celebrity wannabes that are the role models of young women brainwashed by the system.

"the soaps that you write"

Another method of brainwashing the masses being the banal soap operas on TV.

"The graceless charm of your gutter snipes"

The general phrase �gutter snipes� can be used for people of low moral fibre:

(See http://www.webster-dictionary.net/definition/Guttersnipe)

However, specifically, the slang 'gutter press' in the UK refers to the particularly hugely popular, but dually manipulative and mindless tabloid papers like The Sun and The Mirror:

('Tabloid newspapers are sometimes pejoratively called the gutter press' - See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gutter_press.)

So 'gutter snipes' could reference the journalists working for them. This is relevant to the "no-mans news" above, and also Del Naja's own experience with them (See 'which wounds to lick' above).

"Hearts and minds and US Planes
Nothing's changed"

Says it all.

"And english boys without your names
Riot like the 1980's again"

The race riots of the early 80s and poll tax riots of the late 80s were the last civil uprisings in England.

(See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brixton_riot_(1981) and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poll_tax_riot)

All in all, a pretty obvious call to war against the current system. Well needed.

2009年9月11日 星期五


世界唔好 社會離譜 雷公 劈d傻佬
經濟唔好 政制離譜 雷公 劈d癲佬

鄉下細路無書讀 學校爛到塌落地
首都高官挖私利 億元落袋遠處飛

農村失收無飯食 都會夜夜笙歌
城市炒賣玩暴發 幹部狂噬刷爆咭

呢頭話落後 要人鎮災救濟嫌唔夠
個頭扮進步 Cheap租火箭甩繩馬騮
一面話開放 拉人坐監審完無理講
一面話改革 翻黎覆去越塙越猖狂

作曲:郭達年, 編曲:黑鳥
監製:, 填詞:郭達年

2009年9月3日 星期四

This is how Financial Tsunami happen...CDO + CDS



『每個月還是付不起?沒關係,頭24個月你只需要支付利息,貸款的本金可以兩年後再付! 想想看,兩年後你肯定已經找到工作或者被提升為經理了,到時候還怕付不起!』
『擔心兩年後還是還不起?哎呀,你也真是太小心了,看看現在的房子比兩年前漲了多少, 到時候你轉手賣給別人啊,不僅白住兩年,還可能賺一筆呢!再說了,又不用你出錢,我都相信你一定行的,難道我敢貸,你還不敢借?』


阿囧貸款公司短短幾個月就取得了驚人的業績,可是錢都貸出去了,能不能收回來呢?公司的董事長--阿囧先生,那也是熟讀美國經濟史的人物,不可能不知道房地產市場也是有風險的,所以這筆收益看來不能獨吞,要找個合夥人分擔風險才行。於是阿囧找到美國財經界的領頭大哥--投資銀行。這些傢伙可都是名字響噹噹的大哥(美林、高盛、摩根),他們每天做什麼呢?就是吃飽了閒著也是閒著,於是找來諾貝爾經濟學家,找來哈佛教授,找來財務工程人員,用上最新的經濟資料模型,一番金融煉丹(copula 差不多是此時煉出)之後,弄出幾份分析報告,從而評價一下某某股票是否值得買進,某某國家的股市已經有泡沫了,這一群在風險評估市場呼風喚雨的大哥,你說他們看到這裡面有沒有風險?開玩笑,風險是用腳都看得到!可是有利潤啊,那還猶豫什麼,接手吧!於是經濟學家、財務工程人員,大學教授以資料模型、隨機模擬評估之後,重新包裝一下,就弄出了新產品--CDO(注: Collateralized Debt Obligation,債務抵押債券),說穿了就是債券,通過發行和銷售這個CDO債券,讓債券的持有人來分擔房屋貸款的風險。

光這樣賣,風險太高還是沒人買啊,假設原來的債券風險等級是 6,屬於中等偏高。於是投資銀行把它分成高級和普通CDO兩個部分(trench),發生債務危機時,高級CDO享有優先賠付的權利。這樣兩部分的風險等級分別變成了 4 和 8,總風險不變,但是前者就屬於中低風險債券了,憑投資銀行三寸不爛"金"舌,在高級飯店不斷辦研討會,送精美製作的powerpoints 和 excel spreadsheets,當然賣了個滿堂彩!可是剩下的風險等級 8 的高風險債券怎麼辦呢?

於是投資銀行找到了避險基金,避險基金又是什麼人,那可是在全世界金融界買空賣多、呼風喚雨的角色,過的就是刀口舔血的日子,這點風險簡直小意思!於是憑藉著關係,在世界範圍內找利率最低的銀行借來錢,然後大舉買入這部分普通CDO債券,2006年以前,日本央行貸款利率僅為1.5%;普通 CDO 利率可能達到12%,所以光靠利差避險基金就賺得滿滿滿了。

這樣一來,奇妙的事情發生了,2001年末,美國的房地產一路飆升,短短幾年就翻了一倍多,天呀,這樣一來就如同阿囧貸款公司開頭的廣告一樣,根本不會出現還不起房屋貸款的事情,就算沒錢還,把房子一賣還可以賺一筆錢。結果是從貸款買房的人,到阿囧貸款公司,到各大投資銀行,到各個一般銀行,到避險基金人人都賺錢,但是投資銀行卻不太高興了!當初是覺得普通 CDO 風險太高,才丟給避險基金的,沒想到這幫傢伙比自己賺的還多,淨值拼命地漲,早知道自己留著玩了,於是投資銀行也開始買入避險基金,打算分一杯羹了。這就好像阿宅家裏有放久了的飯菜,正巧看見隔壁鄰居那只討厭的小花狗,本來打算毒它一頓,沒想到小花狗吃了不但沒事,反而還越長越壯了,阿宅這下可傻眼了,難道發霉了的飯菜營養更好?於是自己也開始吃了!

這下又把避險基金樂壞了,他們是什麼人,手裏有1塊錢,就能想辦法借10塊錢來玩的土匪啊,現在拿著搶手的CDO當然要大幹一票!於是他們又把手裏的 CDO 債券抵押給銀行,換得 10 倍的貸款操作其他金融商品,然後繼續追著投資銀行買普通 CDO 。科科,當初可是簽了協議,這些普通 CDO 可都是歸我們的!!投資銀行實在心理不爽啊,除了繼續悶聲買避險基金和賣普通 CDO 給避險基金之外,他們又想出了一個新產品,就叫CDS(註:Credit Default Swap,信用違約交換)好了,華爾街就是這些天才產品的溫床:一般投資人不是都覺得原來的 CDO 風險高嗎,那我弄個保險好了,每年從CDO裏面拿出一部分錢作為保險費,白白送給保險公司,但是將來出了風險,大家一起承擔。

以AIG為代表的保險公司想,不錯啊,眼下 CDO 這麼賺錢, 1分錢都不用出就分利潤,這不是每年白送錢給我們嗎!


於是再次皆大歡喜,Win Win Situation!CDS也跟著紅了!但是故事到這還沒結束:因為"聰明"的華爾街人又想出了基於 CDS 的創新產品!找更多的一般投資大眾一起承擔,我們假設 CDS 已經為我們帶來了 50 億元的收益,現在我新發行一個基金,這個基金是專門投資買入 CDS 的,顯然這個建立在之前一系列產品之上的基金的風險是很高的,但是我把之前已經賺的 50 億元投入作為保證金,如果這個基金發生虧損,那麼先用這50億元墊付,只有這50億元虧完了,你投資的本金才會開始虧損,而在這之前你是可以提前贖回的,首次募集規模 500 億元。天哪,還有比這個還爽的基金嗎?1元面額買入的基金,虧到 10% 都不會虧自己的錢,賺了卻每分錢都是自己的!Rating Agencies 看到這個天才的規畫,簡直是毫不猶豫:給出 AAA 評級!

結果這個基金可賣瘋了,各種退休基金、教育基金、理財產品,甚至其他國家的銀行也紛紛買入。雖然首次募集規模是原定的 500 億元,可是後續發行了多少億,簡直已經無法估算了,但是保證金 50 億元卻沒有變。如果現有規模 5000 億元,那保證金就只能保證在基金淨值不虧到本金的 1% 時才不會虧錢,也就是說虧本的機率越來越高。

當時間走到了 2006 年年底,風光了整整 5年的美國房地產終於從頂峰重重摔了下來,這條食物鏈也終於開始斷裂。因為房價下跌,優惠貸款利率的時限到了之後,先是普通民眾無法償還貸款,然後阿囧貸款公司倒閉,避險基金大幅虧損,繼而連累AIG保險公司和貸款的銀行,花旗、摩根相繼發佈巨額虧損報告,同時投資避險基金的各大投資銀行也紛紛虧損,然後股市大跌,民眾普遍虧錢,無法償還房貸的民眾繼續增多,最終,美國Subprime Crisis 爆發接近成為 Prime Crisis。

Credit Crunch 開啟的地獄大門,還不知道如何關上……

Source: http://lawgladys.mysinablog.com/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=1383501